Stephen & Satomi Sakamoto

Grace Family Fellowship currently sponsors the Sakamoto Family who are serving in Kobe, Japan through The Evangelical Alliance Mission.


Stephen & Satomi Sakamoto

Kobe, Japan

Stephen and Satomi serve with TEAM (The Evangelical Alliance Mission) in Kobe, Japan. They enjoy ministering in their community for the Kingdom of God. They keep busy by leading marriage small study groups, women’s and children’s ministry, parenting classes, cooking classes, and teaching English and Bible classes.


About Stephen

Stephen is a third generation Japanese-American. Most of his school years were spent growing up in Hawaii. While in college a close friend asked Stephen, “If you died tonight, why should God let you into heaven?” He learned that God sent Jesus Christ to die for the forgiveness of sins and Jesus is the only way to heaven. He soon accepted Christ and as he grew in his faith, the call to be a missionary came almost immediately.


After college and during seminary, for a total of seven years, Stephen worked with local Japanese churches and a team of experienced missionaries. He learned hands-on training in rapid church planting ministries. Seminary education and active involvement in his home church further equipped him for pioneer church planting in Japan.


Stephen and Satomi desire to spend the rest of their lives in church planting in Japan.


Hometown:  Kaneohe, Oahu, Hawaii


Education:  B.S. Forestry, Oregon State University; MA Biblical Studies, Multnomah Biblical Seminary, Portland, OR



Satomi (wife), Jessi and Jenni (daughters)


Ministry Focus

Start Japanese churches that start Japanese churches that start Japanese churches. We will gather individuals and share the Gospel by relationship building through seven purpose-specific target group meetings, held at various times throughout each month. These seven purpose-specific outreach groups include: parenting classes for young mothers, Bible & baking classes for housewives, Conversational English for children and adults, marriage growth for husbands, marriage growth for wives, youth meetings, and beginner Bible Studies.


The People

The Japanese are a hard-working and resilient nation. Relationships are very important to them.


The Need

Ninety-nine percent (99.9%) of the Japanese souls face a Christ-less eternity. Japan is difficult, slow, and expensive for church planting. If Japan is to be won for Christ, it must be accomplished through growing local church plants reaching their communities for Christ.


Our Call

To plant churches that plant churches in Japan for the rest of our lives through proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ.



Small church plants initiating and supporting new church plant meetings that will in turn do the same. This initiation and support plan would create multiple opportunities for evangelism and discipleship for believers.


Primary Prayer Request

The spirit of God, working through grace and our prayers to change hearts of Japanese to be convicted of their sins, repent, and turn to Christ.